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  1. The SCOTUS majority that seemed to kill what was left of affirmative action today had a few goals: Explain to people who care about the law that this was a legitimate move Not throw the notion of precedent out the window Not upset institutions Showboat for their donors/base
  2. Ultimately, the trouble with the court’s recent culture war decisions is that it offers legislative and policy reasons for why something might be a good or bad idea, but when it comes to law, or even the majority’s beloved originalism, it simply can’t logically back them up. @sandeepvaheesan/1674439623404052483
  3. It’s going to be a wild ride to see Heller and Bruen’s shoddy historiography and motivated half-wit policy reasoning undone in the eyes of the law by a decade-long march of reductio ad absurdum. @mjs_DC/1674168003250860033
  4. Because a diverse nation has many people some may not like or understand, maintaining a system where affairs of your body and basic rights are generally none of the state’s business remains essential. Making people’s existence or bodily autonomy a poll-able matter is evil. @KatyMontgomerie/1673971375340437505
  5. This is largely a case of the kooks of the base outflanking party judges. They may be politically/judicially right, but they’re not going to shred bedrock law or the Constitution because some kooks decided LGBT people don’t have rights anymore and can be erased with state power. @imillhiser/1673301644312813573
  6. America’s whole history as a nation is desperately requiring a large influx of immigrants to remain sustainable. And in every era, the incumbent immigrants deploy more or less the same ignorant, racist, ahistorical tripe as before. Word for word the same, in fact. @GeneProck/1672950334161862658
  7. It’s become emblematic of today’s radical right-wing social revolutionaries to go around arguing that the government must have absolute control of some area with minimal to no public interest at stake, and to insist that experts and facts and human agency be damned. @daveweigel/1671948813756497963
  8. I’ve been saying this for awhile. The level of socio-economic and political control this new right demands invokes the tactics of Soviet Marxists, and in some ways aspire to much more in terms of cruelty and control. The accusations are essentially confessional in nature. @David_Boaz/1671561441931821072
  9. As it turns out, allowing claims that holders (often without evidence) designate as religious to override compliance with laws that reasonably should apply to all leads to absurdities. @JustinParmenter/1671853973827887105
  10. This is exactly right. Our agencies and contractors are unspeakably inefficient/corrupt, and we can’t even compete with nations that pay workers more with better benefits and conditions. Until we lower costs dramatically, these projects can never be worth it. @Izengabe_/1671849463478992898
  11. 2 key points: It’s civically immoral and lawless to have religious conviction dictate the law of a diverse land The temptation to get power in this way by dressing up kooky personal convictions as religious convictions is substantively hollowing out religion/theology @AliceOllstein/1671518204680712195
  12. There’s a lively debate as to whether the corporate tax itself makes sense and maybe we should tax that income in other ways, but blowing a $2 trillion hole in the deficit for no documented economic benefit in an already hot economy was totally insane. @andover_gary/1670818894066401281
  13. I guess in light of Florida doubling down on its anti-ESG kookery, this is worth re-upping. As usual, it’s about the money. In exchange for higher public costs, the state’s money flows to right-wing finance donors in low-return, high-fee investments. @augustf/1625292286757163009
  14. We all saw how the agitprop campaigns ran. First it was trans surgery in minors (a vanishingly rare occurrence) is bad. But within days, it became about removing trans people from public life, and within weeks, moving against the gay folks they’d always hated. @edroso/1670064736371716096
  15. Charlie Sykes and Tim Miller on @BulwarkOnline had a great segment on this- (starts at 35:52)- about how the bigots and their feels never changed, but the well-funded right-wing agitprop campaigns have created a permission structure for their hate again. @edroso/1670064736371716096
  16. We’re all in this country together, and we all contribute how we can. But to the extent that people keep wishing for the 5th largest economy on earth (California) to just disappear, or go off calling folks in blue states un-American trash, sometimes a reality check is needed. @Acyn/1669885548826075138
  17. 40% of retired Americans have Social Security as their only source of income. If they keep trying to buy the ticket, it’s long past time they took the ride. @elwasson/1669095207348973568
  18. I’d made allowances for self-driving, since it seemed reasonable to believe even a deeply flawed computer system could still do better than we monkeys. That appears not to have been true, and regulators should probably move against FSD until it does at least as well as we do. @ddayen/1668976175207837696
  19. One of the chief reasons for not creating government Genital Inspection Boards and passing bizarre unenforceable laws about bathrooms is that, in the end, the whole thing becomes an insane witch hunt in which the government must violate basic civil rights to even participate in. @transscribe/1668465317641703424
  20. It's relatively hard to have a rational basis for a law that's based on fictional kookery. The way you know these laws are based on fiction is that, under penalty of perjury, the state's own experts admit as much -- that these laws are for the rubes.
  21. It’s always been wild to me that the people who whines hypocritically for years about the government dictating the healthcare people can get are now on a mission to subordinate what medical treatments doctors can give patients to state ideological orthodoxy. Total kook stuff. @chrisgeidner/1666087478657445889
  22. Yep-the same people who want to use state violence to ensure ideological conformity with the state definitely won’t abuse this to punish those who won’t comply with their Maoist nonsense. @jbouie/1665366008087949312
  23. It’s fairly easy to see that the absurdist laws far-right state kooks keep passing serve no legal purpose—not even the most conservative judge could go along with it without breaking our entire system. It’s a performance for the rubes who buy the equally kooky propaganda. @chrisgeidner/1665081427908603904
  24. Interesting that the majority lost Kavanaugh on this one. @washingtonpost/1661744202668187649
  25. This dude has been indicted and found to be doing stupidly illegal/unethical things how many times now? @taygoldenstein/1661419655703953420
  26. I’m old enough to remember when the supposed views of the far-right were that all boycotts were woke cancel culture and that going in stores and doing stuff like theft/vandalism was a sign of civilizational decline. @Wilson__Valdez/1661199258224041989
  27. Giving the state the power to decide the fashion of its people’s dress, what books they may read, what state-sanctioned ideologies must be enforced in classrooms, and when their bodies may be disposed of for state ideological exercises is a vile, lawless path to walk down. @mroth78/1661336106439258113
  28. That is the essence of the deeply un-conservative belief the state has a property interest in the bodies of the citizenry. Once you accept such a claim, nearly any desirable state objective is cause to simply nullify personal autonomy without regard to that person’s very life. @EBHarrington/1661174271354232851
  29. In the absence of bicameral legislative action, it seems pretty clear the President is duty-bound to take actions that avoid violating the law where Congress has commanded X and not-X simultaneously. The piece does an excellent job of laying out the serious options. @M_C_Klein/1661027597755752449
  30. Even the Soviet censors didn’t aspire to this particularly lofty level of idiocy. @deonteleologist/1659706867658944512
  31. "Asserting a new right for citizens in our state Constitution was really only a meaningless PR gesture to rubes in 2010" was one hell of an argument to make it court.
  32. The only “guardrails” are the checks and balances the Constitution puts in place. But the idea that Barrett, with minimal experience that wouldn’t let her be a city judge in most cities, was qualified for an appellate seat was laughable, and doubly so 3 years later for SCOTUS. @AnthonyMKreis/1658495578060324865
  33. States can choose to have some positions elected, or not. But part of the democratic backsliding we see in many states is aggressive Republican abuse of legislative power to remove other elected officials or nullify their powers. Wisconsin is a particularly sad testament to this. @DrRJKavanagh/1654327521582653443
  34. But the interesting phenomenon of the last few decades is that there’s no synergy or correspondence between “liberal” judges and Democratic Party politics. I don’t think any Democrat would tell you they perceive the liberal justices as delivering important outcomes they want. @augustf/1654383727332532225
  35. Against reckless, ignorant, law-destroying hate, small acts of kindness and decency go a long way. @kevhamm/1653407025085444099
  36. The real argument to be had: “Congress has already authorized the spending and that if federal statutes command certain spending and others forbid paying for it at the same time, they cannot both be observed.” @mattizcoop/1653471027068846098
  37. Spoiler alert: non-godlike public servants at the city, state, and federal level are fined and/or go to prison for far less than this on a daily basis. @Acyn/1653449028326117376
  38. It’s endlessly funny to me that like their Maoist “mandated patriotic education” nonsense under Trump, the right wing revolutionaries’ idea of teaching kids civics is prohibiting them from communicating with elected officials. Real big brain civics stuff here. @profsassy/1653008098783555588