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All the “riots are bad” people seem to have all gone into rhetorical quarantine. Imagine my shock. @greg_doucette/1337985000940187651
@PostOpinions @DougJBalloon This court ruled that it’s legal to protest outside the home of abortion clinic workers and at their kids schools, etc. Madsen v. Women's Health Center, Inc. (1994). They’re welcome to change the status quo, but until they do, they deserve no privilege from the 1st Amendment.
@TPM Sarah Sanders, call your office. The toddler concentration camps are on the line for comment.
I feel like this is a metaphor for how we dealt with the bad-faith arguments and policies of the Trump cult before recently. We took it seriously, tried to talk policy, tried to engage. You can’t engage with nihilistic insanity. @MSpicuzzaMJS/1330274604523335681
@bradheath I’d be curious to see the DOJ lawyers who wrote this pablum defend it in front of a House committee considering de-funding them next fiscal year.
@robertwolf32 @KevinMKruse @AriMelber @MikeBloomberg What neither they nor most people realized is that we have a Republican electorate addicted to cherry-picked nonsense, lying as a form of tribal identity, and conspiracy theories for nearly everything. This is only the beginning. theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/03/the-2020-disinformation-war/605530/
@Philip_Germain Don’t miss the particularly demented bit where the “tough on crime” crowd are actually calling on donors to help bail out the attacker.
@bungdan Let’s apply the Trump’s America checklist: ✅Imagined grievance ✅Based on political/tribal identity ✅Bold-faced lie(s) involved ✅Done performatively ✅Screws the poor/downtrodden ✅Weakens America Checks out!
@CNNPolitics For almost 2 years, ALL Senators have neglected their most basic duty: “I...do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same...”
@kyledcheney This is absurdist role-playing at this point. We have a court ruling that Congress has no enforceable subpoena power and an official with no legal right to act in his role. If they want him, send the Sergeant at Arms and don’t be shy about it. Otherwise, they should not bother.
@RadioFreeTom Not only do many applauding the verdict know it, but they openly revel in the fact. That is, after all, the point they want to make in front of the country these last years; who can indulge in subversion, sedition, and violence and not pay any serious price, and who cannot.
@AndyBCampbell @waltshaub A fitting cap to the American Taliban movement that came to fruition after a campaign of religiously-sponsored violence that included: 8 murders 17 attempted murders 42 bombings 186 arsons 91 attempted bombings 619 bomb threats 1630 trespasses 1264 incidents of vandalism
@lachlan @UrbanAchievr You have to love it. Running a scam on rubes to raise money and buy a sack of junk books written by a ne’er-do-well who can’t write, written for people who won’t read...to impress the New York Times.
@page88 @KevinMKruse Putting Ivanka Trump in the same league of intelligence or business acumen as half-wit Saudi princes is a serious slam of half-wit Saudi princes.
@EggerDC Maybe you should lose your mind over the fact that the program was a cynical fraud that benefited the well-banked, who immediately shafted employees. Conservatively, $80 billion in fraud, hundreds of indictments, and much more unrecovered. A sick joke. nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1279664
@Jason_Garcia @EverydayWarren Every time these kooks go out and jump up and down essentially yelling “yes we’re absolutely going to do this thing for explicitly unconstitutional reasons,” a Disney lawyer puts down a deposit on a new boat.
@DougJBalloon It’s wild how this account started having to be very imaginative about what a journalistically/politically nihilist Times would write about in absurd situations, and now it’s down to just circling the demented nonsense from the paper itself that you literally cannot make up.