I guess in light of Florida doubling down on its anti-ESG kookery, this is worth re-upping. As usual, it’s about the money. In exchange for higher public costs, the state’s money flows to right-wing finance donors in low-return, high-fee investments. @augustf/1625292286757163009
This Lever article has an interesting take. But the real civics problem here is that the people who like this corrupt nonsense a) can’t reliably define ESG and b) can’t demonstrate why these new high-fee low-return investments are good akshually. levernews.com/desantis-allows-anti-woke-giveaway-to-big-wall-street-donors/amp/
It’s also worth remembering that public entities already have fiduciary duties to invest in the best-yielding instruments, adjusting for risk. Passing a law banning one kind of investment is not the admission of strength it’s proponents may think.