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                      1. So with Trump's party featuring unstable criminals alongside their violently inciting rhetoric night after night, and the death toll mounting while the regime blames "the violent left" for violence/terrorism in America, it's long past time to review the facts.
                    1. …in reply to @augustf
                      For actual terrorist attacks, the place to start is UMD's Global Terrorism Database: A Qwartz analysis of it breaks down the trend like this:
                  1. …in reply to @augustf
                    The same article - - gives a damning portrait of terrorism alongside the rise of Trumpism and its global counterparts.
                1. …in reply to @augustf
                  CSIS reports that “the majority of all terrorist incidents in the [US] since 1994,and the total number of rightwing attacks and plots has grown significantly during the past six years”,with the far right launching two-thirds of attacks and plots in 2019, and 90% of those in 2020.
              1. …in reply to @augustf
                This Guardian piece puts the report in perspective with recent events:
            1. …in reply to @augustf
              And in an era of bad/buried ledes, one has to give Business Insider credit for this clear headline:
          1. …in reply to @augustf
            "Trump frequently accuses the far-left of inciting violence, yet right-wing extremists have killed 329 victims in the last 25 years, while antifa members haven't killed any, according to a new study." ...speaks for itself.
        1. …in reply to @augustf
          Many of those doing the violence are, of course, deeply troubled, or even insane. As are many of those the FBI arrests on the grounds of aiding Islamic terror groups. Such people are easily obsessed with extreme ideologies. But make no mistake, these attacks have a source.
      1. …in reply to @augustf
        In 2020, Trump launched his re-election campaign on the theme of racial/ethnic division and anti-immigrant hysteria. A month into that hot garbage, an extremist fearful of Hispanic political power went on a rampage at an El Paso Walmart.
    1. …in reply to @augustf
      During the 2018 midterms, Trump and his court jumped on the issue of the "caravan" -- a largely imaginary phenomenon to scare the elderly. Shortly thereafter, a shooter went on a bloody rampage in a synagogue accusing Jewish refugee agencies of bringing "invaders."
  1. …in reply to @augustf
    We all know what came next. A march in Charlottesville. Jews in their temple under siege by torch-wielding American neo-nazis chanting white supremacist slogans about "blood and soil." And then getting on TV the next morning to talk religious freedom.
    1. …in reply to @augustf
      Trump has used his office to reduce the political power of non-white Americans. He talks of "invaders", "infestations", and doesn't care to acknowledge that the deaths he caused in Puerto Rico were American ones. This is white supremacist thinking, and it gets people killed.
      1. …in reply to @augustf
        Each of the people who committed these deeds bears grave legal and moral responsibility. But in ideologically-driven attacks, there are seldom lone wolves. The US is suffering from a bout of Trump-affiliated right-wing political terrorism that Trump himself coyly promotes. Fin.
        1. …in reply to @augustf
          I wasn't going to add to this, but it's worth noting that the one violent act recently attributed to the left, the burning of this precinct, has been charged to a right-wing group by the Trump DOJ: @robertjdenault/1319685790675443713?s=20