The SG has defied norms with attempts to bypass appeals on many cases like this. Absent a big-idea legal angle, this will be a test for SCOTUS. Is the gov’t theory that they have “their people” on the court who are merely partisans substantiated? washingtonpost.com/politics/courts_law/trump-administration-asks-supreme-court-to-quickly-take-up-census-citizenship-question/2019/01/22/93734014-1e73-11e9-8e21-59a09ff1e2a1_story.html?utm_term=.5a9cdc0cb361
Judge Furman has generated a massive trial record showing how this is utterly outside the law. It’s a stunt to depress turnout and support the administration’s goal of strengthening white power economically and electorally. It may have succeeded regardless of the result.
Even the initial “game” of generating a false request for this information has likely poisoned the well. Minorities in fear of further Trump pogroms will not participate. The Japanese internment was powered by the illegal use of census data, and its easy to be concerned now.
There are good legal arguments as to why the information would not be used in a Trump pogrom-such as the secrecy of the census or the right against self-incrimination via a mandatory census. But no non-white person will trust to our laws anymore in 2019. And I don’t blame them.